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MANIFESTING YOUR DREAM - Learn To Read The Map Of Your Mind (Part 2)

Writer: Karin MekaraKarin Mekara

In this blog I will continue from the first blog “ Learn To Read The Map Of Your Mind (Part 1)”. If you have not read part 1 yet, be sure to read that one first and then come back to this one.


In the last post, I compared our mind to a map, and our dreams to the treasure of our map. This map has been with us since we have begun our journey on this Earth. However, the map appeared to be incomplete. We received a blank map with endless possibilities. The map began to take shape throughout our life. We are the co-creators of our own map. Most of us were not aware of this. Nobody told us about this and we created our map without guidelines. Without awareness that we are creating something that has so much impact on our lives, this can turn out very confusing, yes even messy. What if we were told about our map? Would we have much more potential to live life in a way that serves us and others? Is it possible to create a map that we can actually read, follow and enjoy? How would this change how we feel and go about our lives?

If you are ready to find out for yourself it requires more of you than just reading this blog. You can read it as many times as you want to but to truly be in tune with your map, you need to apply your curiosity and walk your path. Simply looking at the map will only give you an overview but it cannot get you to your destination. Only when you encode your map and then walk the journey will you be able to discover your treasure and live your dreams as your reality.

Think of your map again like you did in the first blog. Imagine your map like a creative, amazing looking treasure map and somewhere around one edge of your map lies that mark where your treasure lies. The journey to that treasure begins at the opposite end of that treasure, on the other end of your map. What lies between you and your treasure are all the different areas of your world. The first part where you start out is the first section of your map and it is the smallest part of your map. This is the conscious part of your mind and occupies only a very small part of your entire mind. It is the part of your mind that we think about and speak of in daily life. It consists of our thoughts and memories we are consciously aware of and can reflect upon.

This part of our mind makes rational decisions. It has the ability to choose its thoughts and decisions. You have probably already seen this image of an iceberg in the icy water in other places. The tip of the iceberg above the water represents the conscious mind. The conscious mind is influenced by a much larger and more influential part of the mind, the subconscious mind. This is the part of the iceberg below the water.

Although the conscious mind likes to believe it is in control of making all the decisions for us, it is actually directly influenced by the subconscious mind.

The subconscious mind is the largest part of the mind at around 88%, the largest part of your treasure map. You could call it the mystery forest, secret garden, the unknown water or something with a similar idea of a part of the map we do not know much about. The subconscious mind has stored all of our memories, beliefs and feelings our whole lives long. Its job is to perceive everything in each individual's environment and store all the data in order to respond in the best interest of survival on many levels. That includes survival on a physical level but also emotional and mental level. It receives this information through the five senses and then, based on the data it receives, decides what the next best move is. The subconscious mind’s goal is to move away from unpleasant situations or any threads on all levels and is most comfortable in a safe, familiar environment. It receives its information directly from the five senses, sight, smell, taste, touch, and sound. On the most basic level, this is related to the physical survival of each of us and it begins even before we are born, the womb. On another level, it also helps us to survive emotionally and mentally in society. It makes sure that our basic needs to thrive are met such as love, connection, belonging, safety, protection, nutrition and more.

Take a moment and think back of your earliest childhood memories. How did you learn that it is best to keep your hands away from the hot oven, to wear extra layers when going outside in the winter, or to respect the warning signals of a dog or cat who does not want to be touched? How did you learn what makes people laugh and love you and what gave you hints that your behavior is not accepted by the people around you? You have received all of this information through your five senses. Whatever made you hurt, your subconscious mind stored it as a file to be avoided at all costs. Whatever made you feel good, safe and loved was stored as a file to do more of. Your subconscious mind categorized all of your feelings and perceptions into categories of what is beneficial for your survival and acceptance in the world. The key here is to realize that these perceptions are yours. What you perceive as a desirable life is YOUR perspective. To someone else, this might not be desirable at all. Good or bad does not exist, it is simply how your experience has categorized your perception through your five senses. Did it create beautiful feelings? In that case you categorize it as good. Did it cause you frustration or pain? You would conclude that to be bad. Your subconscious mind stores all of these files since the beginning of your life and guides you along the way, telling the conscious mind what you should go for and what to avoid. The subconscious mind makes the decision of what information is necessary to send to the conscious mind and what information can be stored in the subconscious mind. Remember, the conscious mind is very small compared to the subconscious mind and therefore the subconscious mind needs to carefully select what to send to the conscious mind.

It is important to note that even information stored in the subconscious mind, still directly influences the conscious mind and behavior. All our actions and behavior trace right back to signals and stored programs we have received from the subconscious mind. Have you ever reacted to someone and said something you had no idea where it came from? Perhaps you said something that sounded like someone else and not even like yourself. This is an example of being on autopilot of the subconscious mind. It kicks in when it feels in danger. In an argument or conflict, you can easily fall into these old programs that have been stored deep in your subconscious and you do not even realize you are owning these programs.

Now that we have identified some of the areas on our mind map it is time to start looking at each area closely and find out where our location is on this map. To get to our treasure, at some point we must look at the subconscious part of the map which is the largest part of our map. If we only focus on the first part, our conscious mind, it feels as if we are going in circles because we are. We are not moving along the many paths that guide us to our dreams, but we stay in the logical mind. Although everything seems to feel safer there and more understandable for the conscious mind, over time it feels as if there is something missing. It feels unsatisfying and the frustrating part is not being able to identify why. The why can only be answered through the subconscious mind. By looking at the old programs we have created throughout our lives we get a choice. We can choose to keep the programs we like and exchange the ones we do not for something we prefer.

In some of my next posts, we will explore more about the subconscious mind. Now that you realize you have a map in your backpack and you had a glimpse at it, it is time to start decoding the different areas of the map and follow the path you desire. The path that will lead you to your dreams.



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